First Presbyterian Church of Grapevine

We are a progressive church with traditional music. All are welcome.

Sunday Service 10:30AM

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Everybody is Welcome Here

Whoever and wherever you are on your life's journey, we see God in you. Come! This is a place for everyone* who desires to hear and embrace the word of God. Because God welcomes all, we, too, welcome everyone into the whole life of our community. We respect each individual's identity and contributions. We affirm and nurture the worth of every person's journey. 

*Everyone and related pronouns = persons of every age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic or family status, mental or physical abilities.

Planning your visit:

  • Greeters will be ready to welcome you and assist in any way they can.
  • Parking is readily available. Since we are built on a hill our ADA parking is a little hard to find in the east part of our parking lot opposite of Park Blvd. The sidewalk will lead you to the office entrance on the ground floor where you may then catch the elevator to the 1st floor and the welcome area just outside the sanctuary.
  • The nursery is available for infants through pre-K. Children in kindergarten and up are invited, during worship, to the Pray Ground in the sanctuary and/or to use the activity bags available in the Narthex. We ask that parents sit in the area near the Pray Ground.

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

Who we Are

First Presbyterian Church of Grapevine is a faith community of diverse people that explores belief together. We embrace new opportunities to serve others. We strive to be a community of care and compassion.

We desire to be a place where brokenness finds healing. Where loneliness finds belonging, and where fear gives way to faith. We invite you to join us.

FPCGV now offers online giving! You are now able to donate online securely using ShelbyNextYou can make a one-time donation or schedule a series of donations to numerous funds, including the Operating and Mortgage funds, as well as special funds and offerings like the One Great Hour of Sharing offering.