Missions and Outreach of FPCGV

For over 200 years, Presbyterians have been responding to the call of Jesus Christ, taking the gospel into all the world and bearing witness to Christ’s saving love to the ends of the earth. Today the Holy Spirit is still on the move, calling us to share in what God is doing in the world.​

“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8

GRACE (Grapevine Relief and Community Exchange)

            Ken Rigoulot              

The GRACE Mission is a steward of God's blessings and resources in the communityGRACE demonstrates compassion for those less fortunate by aiding individuals and families in crisis and guidance toward self-sufficiency.        

GRACE was organized in 1987 as a response to the growing need for emergency assistance services in far northeast Tarrant County, an area almost 20 miles from state, county, and other major resources at that time. 13 local churches, of which First Presbyterian Church of Grapevine was one, gathered together with a plan for distributing available resources through Grapevine’s Ministerial Alliance. People in need were usually routed to at least three churches to meet their basic needs, and there was inevitable confusion over open hours and locations.  First Presbyterian Church help those who needed gasoline. 

          Today, GRACE continues to be a centralized, coordinated effort of churches, businesses and individuals donating food, clothing, monetary donations, and even professional services to Grapevine, Colleyville, and Southlake residents, as well as homeless and transient families in need. Programs have grown to include low cost medical services, transitional housing, and general emergency assistance (food, clothes, furniture, financial assistance, information and referrals).


What can you do to support GRACE?


              Mark Hinton

Advocacy is an essential part of our mission at Dallas Habitat for Humanity. We advocate for affordable housing not only in Dallas but at the state and national levels too. By serving as an advocate on numerous levels, Dallas Habitat strives to make an even greater impact on the affordability crisis in North Texas and across the nation.

Dallas Habitat transforms families, revitalizes neighborhoods, and is working together to build a better Dallas. Strategically bringing together public and private funding, community leadership and vision, and thousands of volunteers—we will break the cycle of poverty and transform our communities.

Committed to building a better Dallas through the transformative power of affordable homeownership, our tools provide sustainable solutions to meet the needs of our city and serve hardworking families with pathways to ownership.


Dallas Habitat serves families between 25% and 60% of the area median income, with innovative products that allow us to reach a diverse clientele. All of our hardworking families demonstrate a need, an ability to pay, and a willingness to partner—to work with the support and educational services of Dallas Habitat to build a stronger future where home is just the beginning.


A hand up, not a handout—Dallas Habitat empowers families with pathways out of low-asset poverty. Housing is often the greatest expense for families. Our model ensures that expense is affordable—guaranteeing mortgage payments will be no more than 30% of a family’s monthly income at the time of closing. Families also contribute “sweat equity” by building on their home and the homes of their neighbors, playing a critical part in the transformation of the community.


Our church participates each year in building one home in the DFW area.


What can you do to support the Habitat for Humanity?


We try to be ever attentive to the needs of our community and the world.  This electronic news letter highlights our current efforts and stories of our partnerships.

Our Mission Newsletter

GRACE-related FPCGV ministries


Suzanne Rowntree

Our church makes a difference by serving lunch to children for one summer week at the GRACE headquarters.  This year we are going to serve indoors in the AC the week of July 4th.  


GRACE started the Feed Our Kids program in 2005 with the mission to provide lunches for area children during the summer weeks when they may otherwise not receive a midday meal. Feed Our Kids fills these “hungry” weeks with sack lunches, milk, smiles, and a loving atmosphere. Please consider being a part of this exciting program: we believe it will be as rewarding for you as it is for the children you will help.  Our church gathers youth and adult volunteers to spend one week each year organizing games, food, music and activities to help this mission.  Those unable to be there write cards or make cookies or cook or shop to give their time, love and support to those children in need in Grapevine


What can you do to support Feed Our Kids?

In Our Area

PDA Presbyterian Disaster Assistance       

               Mark Hinton                     

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crisis and catastrophic event.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is the emergency and refugee program of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. The core budget, including staff and administrative costs, is funded through the One Great Hour of Sharing, and its program work is additionally funded through designated gifts.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

  • Focuses on the long term recovery of disaster impacted communities.
  • Provides training and disaster preparedness for presbyteries and synods.
  • Works collaboratively with church partners and members of the ACT Alliance (Action by Churches Together) internationally, and nationally with other faith based responders.

         Connects partners locally and internationally with key organizations active in the response — United Nations, NVOAD (National Voluntary Agencies Active in Disaster), World Food Program, Red Cross, FEMA and others.

  • Presbyterian Disaster Assistance works around the world like in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and Middle East
  • Presbyterian Disaster Assistance works around the United States Like the Texas Panhandle Fires, Spring Tornadoes, Hurricanes

What can you do to support (PDA) Presbyterian Disaster Assistance?



PCHAS    Presbyterian Children’s Home and Service    

Alison Brooks 

In 2023, Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services began its 120th year of service.  Its 12 programs in 27 service locations serve an estimated 4,500 children and families with Christ-centered care and support throughout Texas, Missouri and Louisiana.

Presbyterian Children’s Homes (PCH) was founded in 1903 when a young mother dying of tuberculosis, Leontine Hector Blaney, met with the pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Dallas and arranged for the care of her four children upon her death. In response, the women of the church rented a home, hired a matron and created an orphanage. In 1905, the ministry moved to Itasca, Texas. The campus still operates today as PCHAS’ Itasca Foster Care Village.  Our church supports this care village by providing meals, shawls and financial support through Mission Ministry.

In Texas, more than 10,000 kids are in foster care with a non-relative.

60% of these children are age 6 and older.

71% are children of color.

46% of the sibling groups aren’t living together.

When families aren’t available, we see children separated from their siblings, older children sleeping in hotels, and young adults aging out without strong family connections. Without enough committed, trained, well-supported foster families, the Texas foster care system will never be able to provide kids with the safe, nurturing childhood they deserve.

 We serve nearly 4,500 children and families across three states every year children are placed into loving, permanent homes.   Foster families provide a safe and nurturing family for kids when it’s not safe for them to be with birth family. When kids are removed, workers contact PCHAS and other agencies to find a home.

What can you do to support (PCHAS) Presbyterian Children Home & Services?


Meals on Wheels                   Suzanne Rowntree


Meals On Wheels, Inc. is a mission   for the elderly and those in need through home-delivered meals, senior center luncheons, and other support services.


          Our own church is the volunteer meals pickup site for Grapevine.


  • Those eligible are unable to consistently cook and shop for themselves or are isolated and alone for extended periods due to physical limitations.
  •          Due to illness or the blessing of many birthdays, the majority of our clients can no longer remain at home without assistance. Without our help, many of our clients would be forced into nursing homes or other care facilities. Our goal is to keep our clients in their homes – where they want to be – for as long as possible. 
  •          Some people may be recovering from a hospital stay or illness and will only be on the program for a short period of time. Others have a long-term need and may receive home-delivered meals on an ongoing basis.
  •          Meals are delivered by over 5,400 caring volunteers who freely give of their time and personal resources to ensure that our clients receive a nutritious meal. These caring individuals do more than just provide a meal and a friendly home visit. They are trained to contact our office if a client does not answer the door. This daily safety check gives many of our clients and their families an added peace of mind.

What can you do to support Meals on Wheels?

PCAS consists of a family of care-oriented organizations blending values built on compassion and faith with high-quality senior care, long-term care, Alzheimer’s and memory care, skilled nursing and rehabilitation therapies, hospice and palliative care. Presbyterian Communities and Services is a ministry, first and foremost.


Carol Slack

The Presbyterian Night Shelter was started by a group of Presbyterian churches as an overnight shelter for men, women and children struggling with homelessness And while our overnight emergency shelter services are still available to anyone who needs them, we’re equally focused on helping our guests find their own permanent housing

We focus our efforts on two equally important things: giving people immediate shelter and helping them find a place to call home.  In 2023, we helped 1,430 guests move out of homelessness and into a place they can call home.

     Our shelters for homeless adults operate 24 hours a day, and 365 days a year.

     Housing, meals and additional support services are available for single women and single men.

     We are free to anyone in need, and we are the only shelter in our area without length-of-stay restrictions.

     Guests can meet immediate physical needs – like safety, food and hygiene – so they can focus on getting into permanent housing as quickly as possible.

     Our facilities include designated areas for single adults, families, veterans and those struggling with behavioral issues.

     This often starts with obtaining appropriate documentation like Social Security cards and birth certificates.

     Once stable housing is attained, the challenges that often lead to homelessness in the first place can more easily be addressed.

     Our FIRE (Family and Individual Rapid Exit) program aims to reduce and eliminate barriers that people coming into homelessness are facing, working quickly to move them out of homelessness and into a home.

     We have one of the most successful transitional housing programs for veterans in the United States, preparing them for permanent, independent housing.

     We have developed semiprivate facilities for veterans, allowing them to prepare their own meals and have separate recreation, as well as access to showers, laundry services and a computer lab.

     Our Behavioral Care Facility provides services for severely mentally ill homeless, who often suffer from substance abuse issues.

     We work with mentally ill homeless to live in furnished, private rooms in a residential facility.

     What can you do to support the Presbyterian Night Shelter?

grace medical

     Christy Scanlan


     The GRACE Medical Clinic services individuals in Grapevine and surrounding communities.  In 2023, the clinic had over 5,600 client visits.  158 of these were new patients to the clinic.  The clinic operates with four full time employees and volunteers provided over 2400 hours of service.  Over $290,950 of insulin and associated diabetic testing materials were provided at no charge to clients.  The clinic also provided 265+ over-the-counter medications (allergy medicine, vitamins, iron tablets, etc) to individuals at no cost.  GRACE Medical Clinic has over 1,000 clients that call GRACE their medical home.  In addition to the medical visits, the clinic offers education classes taught by Diabetic Educators, Registered Dieticians and Exercise Coaches.  As needed, staff offers Counseling Services and Life Style Counseling Sessions.

          The staff at GRACE Medical Clinic truly appreciate the partnership they have with First Presbyterian Church Grapevine.  We thank you for your continued support of our clients.

The GRACE Community Clinic is the medical home for uninsured families that do not have access to traditional health care.

          The clinic offers the following healthcare services: routine Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Well Woman, and Chiropractic Care. We hold monthly preventative care and education opportunities such as diabetes, pre-diabetes, self-breast exam training, and nutrition classes.

          In collaboration with other agencies, we are able to offer medications, laboratory and imaging services, and hands-on cooking classes.  As appropriate, patients are referred to Tarrant County’s John Peter Smith Health Network and other specialty providers for services.


What can you do to support GRACE Medical Clinic?



South Korea

Missionary  Rachel Crilley

Presbyterian Church South Korea



Missionary Rachel Crilley is blazing a trail being the only Westerner and first American to study mission history and post-colonial theology at the University of Yonsei, Seoul, South Korea.  Presbyterian Missionary Horace Underwood founded the university along with many of the South Korean hospitals and schools.  Rachel is creating connections with the Presbyterian Women in Korea as well as working at the largest Presbyterian Church in the world, Myungsung with a membership of 20,000.  It’s an honor and privilege for her to be able to work there. She graduated from Princeton Seminary.


Rachel is currently working the same Presbyterian Church teaching English in the preschool.  She is studying and serving in the Theology & World Christianity study of world mission and Christianity.  Additionally, she is involved with an online program from Princeton Seminary with a dialogue with all theologians across the world.  She is the only Westerner and first American to study mission history and post-colonial theology at the University


The Mission Ministry and Presbyterian Women at First Presbyterian Church of Grapevine, Texas support her financially and with our prayers.  She recently presented in Ghana ay the World Christian Conference.


 Rachel’s father, Rev. Dr. Bob Crilley is the lead pastor at First Presbyterian and her mother, Rev. Judy Crilley is a chaplain at Parkland Hospital in Dallas.

What can you do to support Rachel Crilley?

Niger & South Sudan     Nancylee Hadley

Jim and Jodi McGill began mission service in 1995, as PC/USA missionaries, working with the Church of Central Africa in Malawi in the areas of water/sanitation and health.


Our church has supported this PCUSA mission team since 2018.

Jim works with the church in being a strong participant in the rural development of Niger and South Sudan and an effective advocate for the health of its people. Jodi serves in Niger training students in its new nursing school. She also works in the health clinic on a regular basis.

Prior to his service as a mission co-worker, Jim spent many years in Africa as the child of Presbyterian missionaries to Congo and doing geophysical research with the Geology Department of Duke University.

The McGills said: As always, we are grateful for your prayers and support. We are blessed to be able to serve God in Niger and South Sudan, and previously in Malawi, because of your support. We are sincerely and humbly grateful.

Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world.(2020 ranked fifth-poorest) and least developed in the world.   Its largely agrarian and subsistence-based economy is frequently disrupted by extended droughts common to the Sahel region of Africa. Niger is landlocked, bordered by seven countries without access to open seas.  Niger has the highest fertility rate in the world with an average of 6.9 children per women.  Niger is the world’s six-largest producer of uranium.  Niger is one of 17 countries considered completely unsafe for tourists to visit.

                What can you do to support Jim & Jodi McGill?



Mark Adams & Miriam Escobar

Tanya Czyz

Bridging cultural, economic, political, and linguistic differences, Rev. Mark and Miriam support the ministry of Frontera de Cristo in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed on both sides of the border.

Recognizing the potentially divisive issues surrounding the border and immigration, Mark and Miriam help churches in the United States and Mexico respond positively and faithfully to these challenges.

 1.  Right out of college he went on a mission trip to the border and that set his sights for the rest of his life. After completing his schooling and seminary degree he was assigned by PCUSA to Tucson

2. Interesting Fact ~ you know there are more Presbyterians in Mexico than the US? Frontera de Cristo is one of five sites that are still a major focus of Presbyterian work in the border region. They serve about 18,000 men, women, children annually with about 40 local volunteers and volunteers coming from different parts of the world.

3. On Mark’s first assignment, the first night of arrival he was invited to a Bible Study.  He ended up sitting on a 5-gallon pail in the center of a unfinished hand-made cinder blockhouse, studying John (his least favorite book of Bible because it is so complex).  The leader of the Bible study turned out years later to be his father-in-law.  From that first night, he knew that God had called him there.  John 1:1 still gives him chills remembering that night.

4. Their purpose is to work with both sides of border to help both sides.  For Mexico, they have a co-op developing coffee production and delivery, offering jobs and opportunities of housing, teaching, safety, community development.


What can you do to support Frontera de Cristo & Mark Adams?